How To Be Happy

output_TbwgsaBeing happy is easy for some people. But to others it’s a little challenging. So here is a list of 10 ways to be happy.



1. Surround yourself with loved ones

2. Play with your pets

3. Go for a walk

4. Focus on the little things a person does to try to make you happy
(These are the type of people you should keep close)

5. Eat
(Lets be honest food makes everything better)

6. Hang out with friends

7. Take a nap

8. Go to the beach

9. Listen to music/draw

10. Just smile.
Try to smile as big as you can no matter what situation you are in. Chances are your mood will brighten up 10x more.

Just remember that it does get better and nothing bad lasts forever. I promise that you can be happy 🙂